Practically challenged

Those of you who know me in real life know that I am not the most practical person around. My extreme lack of co-ordination, slight ditzyness, and ability to disappear whenever there is any physical work that needs to be done, doesn’t help the cause.

But in the last few days I have been a mechanic and a painter. So terribly proud of myself.

Admittedly I didn’t actually fix the thing I was meant to be fixing properly and I sorta mighta got paint EVERYWHERE… but I am expanding my skillz. Yuss.

I’m off to be a painter again… going to take my camera so I can report back on secret mission.

4 thoughts on “Practically challenged

  1. haha! we sound alike. I prefer reading the directions to everything and telling my husband how it should be done.


  2. Hrmmm no… not painting my car… but there’s an idea for a weekend project. I’ll bet I’m an awesome car painter. Undiscovered talent and all that.I am however doing an awful lot of window painting… though the window isn’t actually meant to be painted. Oops.


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