Naff Central: the tour of the interior

I was hoping to take some photos in the weekend when it was actually light enough to do so but of course my camera battery was flat. So I charged it and now of course, there’s no damn sunlight. And then I decided the photos weren’t fit to show the world but realised I wasn’t really up to staging a full photoshoot of the house including hiding all the crap, so you just get the real mess. Yup.

Disclaimer: I do actually like the house. And I’ll have to do another post with things about the house that are GOOD now that I’ve chronicled all the nastiness.

Behold – ze KITCHEN!

Strange space that was once a bedroom and then renoed into a dining room and which we’ll claim as an office for now. Some of the text was eaten from the photo because I was being rude about my geeky boyfriend having too many computer parts. Apparently he’s conspiring with the interwebs to remove all insulting comments about him.

Lounge. Well. Some of it. There’s a dining area behind me. And couches on the left. It’s quite big.

Spare oom. (Bonus geek reference.) Includes dodgy wiring example.

Downstairs bathroom. Oh yeah. Previous owner was a car painter and panel beater so all the doors in the house have been taken down to the spray booth and been given the sweetest coat of gloss you could ever imagine. Hence shiny cabinet doors. Noice.

Have almost killed self multiple times already on these so deserve picture of their own.

Our bedroom

Will have to take another photo of fan one day to get its full metallic beauty.

Our bathroom. Or part of it. The unusable part.

Andddddd the rooms for short people. Yes. We have two rooms that you can barely stand in. Useful. Errrr.

Awwww. My house! Don’t you just ADORE it? I could happily sink a couple of hundred grand in removing all the naffaciousness of it all. It’ll be a loooong time before that actually happens. For now, we’re learning to love it.

And the awesome stuff about the house makes up for it all. Promise. Actually, the oranges from the orange tree make up for it alone. All the other stuff that we like about the house is extra neat!

Nature’s design

Hannah, Dion and I went on a zoo trip with a bunch of people to take photos of the aminals (as Hannah calls them).
All the animals are really weird looking. Like seriously weird looking if you really think about what they are. Especially rhinos. Weird. How the frick did creatures like this ever get created? You can’t take me to the zoo… I get all concerned and pensive about creation and shiz.
So I stopped thinking before I spontaneously combusted and concentrated on this creature instead…
She’s pretty cute…
And not quite as strange looking…

Well, actually humans are kinda weird looking too.

The world is a strange place.

Cheater cheater

So. I’ve realised why I’m obsessed with the vintage camera apps – it disguises the crap pictures that phone cameras take.
My new plan is to start carrying my actual camera around a bit more to save you from the excessive vignettes you’ve been seeing around these parts. Yup.


While there was a party raging on downstairs for Dion’s birthday, my sister, my brother, and I were upstairs watching the patterns that the lights were making on the walls. Robbo pulled out my camera and started taking photos… finally figuring out how he was going to proceed with his photography boards for year 13.

Kinda indicative of how my family roll, I do believe.

Geeks. Fo’ life.

I forgot a title

  • This rose is to push the photo of my stomach down the page. You’re welcome.
  • I’m obsessed with the naff retro camera applications on my phone as you may be able to tell. I have three different ones now. heh.
  • This rose smelled amazing. AMAZING. It’s from Dion’s mum’s garden at the beach house at Pukehina.
  • I tried to take it home in the car to make my house also smell AMAZING but it didn’t like being in a hot car all day.
  • So now not only does my house not smell AMAZING but it still has fleas. I hate them.
  • We have a new flatmate. I don’t think we disclosed to him about the fleas. Oops. We probably also didn’t warn him about the slightly insane landlady. Oops again.
  • I’ll have to write another post about the landlady. It’s one of those “if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry” sort of situations.
  • We are going to see a house tomorrow. The Boy isn’t keen because it doesn’t have a gigantor garage. I’m keen because it’s cheap enough we could make our own garage.
  • I’m not meant to be looking at houses til April.
  • I’m impatient.
  • That’s all.


I don’t have a lot of photos printed out… as probably most people with a digital camera these days. Even a laptop spontaneously combusting along with photos from most of 2007 wasn’t enough to spur a print out. Finally I got off my arse… well, rather, stayed on my arse, and ordered some prints from Snap Fish.

The photos are neat quality and all that, and the being-able-to-order-from-bed aspect is definitely awesome, but I didn’t realise that digital photos are a different size than photos from film. So I have a zillion frames that don’t actually fit the photos. Or the ones that do (like above) are smaller than the digitals and so cut off some of the photo. Ya can’t win.

Ah well, I did manage to get enough to finally hang some pictures around the place of the Devil Child. I will cover every inch of this house with photos yet!

Family photos

I visited my cousin today. She’s really quite rad. So are her feijoa trees, but that’s a whole other post! While I was there I spotted a photo of her Dad that I really liked. The frame on it had broken, so I took the photo home and scanned it, ready to get a re-print. I’ll hunt out another frame and return it to her soon.

Anyway, this photo is totally rocking, so I intend to have it on my wall. My Great-Uncle (my cousin is actually my second cousin, but it gets a bit complicated trying to explain all that!) is a fabulous classical guitar player… I love that about him. And I love how quintessentially 60s he looks here.* I’m pretty sure I was born in the wrong generation. I’d loooove to have been around back then.

I think I need to dig out more pictures of my family… I have a plan to have a whole wall dedicated to them. At the moment it consists of the photo of my Great Uncle and this one here, but when I track down other cool shots, it’ll be amaaaazing. My family are quite neat.

* At least I think it’s the 60s… if I get that wrong I’ll be totally embarrassed. But then I wasn’t alive then, so I have some excuse for potentially being a bit off, right?

Pea nibbles

Not at all enough to eat… but makes for a fun photo session

And sadly, there were some little seedlings that never made it. I forgot to plant the damn things before I left for Wellington and so nagged the boy to put them out in the big wide world for me, which he did the day of leaving for our holiday. Stoopid summer actually decided to show itself and fried them to a crisp while no one was around to water them. *sob*

Next up are zillions of photos of the zuchini I am growing. I will be pleading for recipes involving zuchini soon as I am pretty sure I’ll end up with enough to feed a small country.

Lessons from an amateur

Amateur photographer. Accidentally pressed the button while I was cleaning the lens. Oops. Oh, and I was totally not cleaning the lens with my tshirt.

Amateur quilter. I dunno… maybe for your first ever quilt, try something a tad smaller than a queen sized one? Just a suggestion.

Back to the quilting.